(+39) 030 7284011 info@alba1972.it IT - EN - DE

Alba and sustainability

Alba srl intends to confirm its commitment to pursue sustainability in all aspects, even as a result of the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the European Union and the associated European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), by actively confronting the following challenges:

  • Drafting of the Sustainability Report, on a two-year basis, starting with the first sustainability document drafted in February 2023, in which to better structure, deepen and detail its commitments with respect to sustainability issues (publication of the I edition estimated by end of 2024).
  • Implementation of economic, social, ethical and environmental practices aimed at ensuring a tangible contribution to sustainable development.
  • Increase in energy performance, in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018, through interventions in production facilities and workplaces to reduce waste, with the intent of constantly and continuously improving efficiency and maximizing energy independence.
  • Waste sorting as a contribution to land protection.
  • Reduction of its environmental impact through the integration of the international standard UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 into its Integrated Management System in the coming years.
  • Increase in sustainable solutions that meet the technical, functional, quality requirements of the target market.
  • Increasing internal company awareness with respect to the physical and transitional risks associated with climate change, as well as with respect to the opportunities in terms of business development generated by the issue.
  • Approach to risks and opportunities, through regular and in-depth analysis, to define a strategy for climate change adaptation and energy transition.
  • Integration of the concept of health and safety in the processes of innovation and optimization of work environments with the intention of increasing the conditions of healthiness in the production and relevant environments and consequently preventing any risks.
  • Raising awareness among its suppliers of the importance of working in synergy to achieve common goals and improve their performance over time, including in the areas of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
  • Responsiveness in responding to our clients, including on issues related to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

Aware that the added value of a production reality is to make sure that the processes as well as the products are sustainable, Alba over the years confirms that it has achieved the following goals:

  • Year 2004, achievement of UNI EN ISO 9001 certification.
  • November 2015, achievement of OHSAS 18001:2018 certification and subsequent transition to UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 in May 2021.
  • Year 2020, installation of a methane-fueled trigeneration plant to produce electricity (44 % of its own consumption), thermal energy to heat the production departments and offices (95 % of its own consumption), cooling energy to cool the offices during the summer period, and cooling of the presses in the molding department during the months from April to October every year
  • Year 2021, insulation of the office building made according to the highest construction and energy standards.
  • Installation of two photovoltaic systems present on the roof of the Alba plant equal to 319 kWp.
  • Year 2022, completion of plant ‘relamping’ activities to replace florescent lamps.
  • Year 2022, installation of an electric vehicle charging station made available free of charge.
  • Year 2022, calculation of the level carbon footprint with achievement of the voluntary Corporate Carbon Footprint certification, in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14064-1:2019, related to CO2 emissions produced at the organization level, as the first step of an effective carbon management strategy aimed at their reduction.
  • In the two-year period 2022-2023, installation of 3 higher-performance electric presses to replace hydraulic presses.
  • February 2023, drafting of the Sustainability Document, to be understood as the starting point of the definition of a structured and continuous path in the reporting of its activities that synergistically considers the environmental, social, economic aspects.
  • November 2023, achievement of the UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018 certification.

All this makes us proud and motivated to continue toward developing our processes and organization in accordance with sustainability strategies, careful to identify areas of improvement and investment consistent with them.
